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--- / --- --- --D --H --M --.--%
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Your relative typing speed - characters per minute - CPM

See how fast you type relative to other users. The higher the bar is, the more other people are typing at that speed. Your position is indicated by the colored vertical bar. You are currently better than of all users.

Your average typing speed - characters per minute - CPM

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See the progress of your average speed over time. It’s fine if your speed sometimes fluctuates. The long-term result and your overall improvement are the most important.

Your hit efficiency

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See the progress of your hit efficiency over time. Try to keep it high, even at the cost of a lower average speed. Building the perfect muscle memory will help you a lot in the future.

Your key statistics - key hits and errors

See your key hits and statistics of your key hit errors.
Your lessons adapt to your typing errors to help you improve your overall skills.

Your activity diagram - lessons finished daily

  • Jan
  • Feb
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  • May
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  • Nov
  • Dec

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See how many lessons you have completed every day. Be relaxed. Don’t rush. Improving your typing skills is not a task for a single day. It may take some time, but the results will be better.

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Progress on a guest account cannot be reset. If you would like to use this feature, please sign up for a free account. You can, however, generate an entirely new guest account. If you want to keep using your original guest account, make sure you have the appropriate bookmark saved.

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